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French Sentence Analyser

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     1. Proper noun. synonym of Bible
     2. n-m. book
     3. n-f. pound (unit of weight)
     4. n-f.          (Europe, informal) metrical pound, half a kilogramme, 500 g
     5. n-f.          (North America) imperial pound ≈ 454 g
     6. n-f.          (historical) various values between 300 and 600 g
     7. n-f. pound (unit of currency)
     8. n-f. (Louisiana) grade (level)
     9. v. first-person singular present of livrer
     10. v. third-person singular present of livrer
     11. v. second-person singular imperative of livrer
          1. v. to deliver (a package, merchandise etc.)
          2. v. to hand over, deliver (someone to an enemy, police, etc.)
          3. v. to betray
          4. v. to give away (a secret etc.); to confide, reveal, drop (a hint)
          5. v. abandon oneself, give oneself over + à (object) = to
          6. v. to practise (a sport); be engaged in (a job, research); set up (an enquiry) + à (object) = to
     1. part. (literary) not (used alone to negate a verb; now chiefly with only a few particular verbs: see usage notes)
     2. part. not, no (used before a verb, with a coordinating negative element usually following; see Usage Notes, below)
     3. part. (Used in a subordinate clause before a subjunctive verb (especially when the main verb expresses doubt or fear), to provide extra overtones of doubt or uncertainty (but not negating its verb); the so-
     4. part. In comparative clauses usually translated with the positive sense of the subsequent negative
           Apprendre le français est plus facile qu'on ne pense. - Learning French is easier than you (might) think.
     1. n. a, the name of the Latin-script letter A
     2. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) alt form-lite, elle, , she
           C'te fille-là, a'a l'air cute. - This girl, she looks cute.
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of avoir
           Elle a un chat. - She has a cat.
          1. n-m. asset, possession
          2. v. to have (to own; to possess)
                J'aimerais avoir 20 dollars. - I would like to have 20 dollars.
          3. v. (auxiliary) to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs)
                J'ai parlé. - I have spoken, I spoke.
                Qu'est-ce que vous m'avez fait ? - What have you done to me?
          4. v. to have (a condition)
                J'ai faim. - I have hunger.
                J'ai soif. - I have thirst.
                J'ai froid. - I have cold.
                J'ai chaud. - I have hot.
                J'ai la chiasse. - I have the shits.
                J'ai le rhume. - I have a cold.
                J'ai le SIDA. - I have AIDS.
                J'ai de la fièvre. - I've got a fever.
          5. v. to have (a measure or age)
                Elle a 19 ans. - She has 19 years.
          6. v. to have (to trick)
                Tu t'es fait avoir. - You've been had.
          7. v. to have (to participate in an experience)
                avoir des relations sexuelles - to have sexual relations
          8. v. (indtr, à) to have (to), must +preo, à, infinitive
                J'ai à vous parler. - I have to talk to you.
     1. Proper noun. surname, from=Vietnamese
     2. Participle. past participle of voir
           J’ai vu ce film. - I’ve seen this film.
     3. prep. given (based on)
           Vu le nombre de personnes ici, il vaut mieux partir ! - Given the number of people here, we're better off leaving!
          1. v. to see (visually)
                Je vois ma mère là-bas. - I see my mother over there.
                On ne voit pas souvent de la neige par ici. - One doesn't often see snow around here.
          2. v. to see (to understand)
                Tu vois que tu avais tort ? - Do you see that you were wrong?
          3. v. to see (to visit, to go and see)
          4. adv. (Louisiana French) please (used to mark the imperative)
                Viens voir ici. - Come here please.
     1. Proper noun. surname, from=Vietnamese
     2. art. the (definite article)
           Le lait du matin. - The milk of the morning.
     3. art. Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English.
           L'amour est aveugle. - Love is blind.
     4. art. (before parts of the body) the; my, your, etc.
           Il s’est cassé la jambe. - He has broken his leg.
     5. art. (before units) a, an
           Cinquante kilomètres à l’heure. - fifty kilometres an hour
     6. pron. (direct object) him, it
           Où est Malik ? Je ne le vois pas. - Where is Malik? I don't see him.
           Mon sac ? Je vais le mettre dans la voiture. - My bag? I'm going to put it in the car.
     7. pron. used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied; not translated in English
           Je suis petit et lui, il l’est aussi. - ... and he is it too
     1. n-m. day
     2. n-m. daylight, light
     3. n-m. opening, aperture
voir le jour
     1. v. (figuratively) to be born
     2. v. (figuratively) to see the light of day
     1. conj. that (introduces a subordinate noun clause and connects it to its parent clause)
           Je vois que tu parles bien français. - I see that you speak French well.
     2. conj. Substitutes for another, previously stated conjunction.
           Si le temps est beau et que tout le monde est d'accord, nous mangerons en plein air. - If the weather is nice and if everyone likes the idea, we'll eat outside.
     3. conj. when, no sooner
           Il était à peine parti qu’elle a téléphoné à la police. - No sooner had he left when she called the police.
     4. conj. (Links two noun phrases in apposition forming a clause without a (finite) verb, such that the complement acts as predicate.)
     5. conj. introduces a comparison
     6. conj.          (comparisons of superiority or inferiority) than
                   Il est plus grand que son père. - He is taller than his father.
     7. conj.          (comparisons of equality) as
                   Elle est aussi intelligente que toi. - She is as smart as you.
     8. conj. (used with ne) only, just; but, nothing but
           Je ne mange que des fruits. - I eat nothing but fruit.
     9. conj. how (in rhetorical interjections)
           Que c'est beau! - How beautiful it is!
           Mais que t'es drôle, quoi. - Oh, how funny you are.
     10. pron. (tlb, interrogative)
     11. pron. (slightly formal, accusative) (The inanimate direct-object interrogative pronoun.)
           Que pensez-vous de cette peinture ? - What do you think of that painting?
           Qu'auriez-vous fait d'autre ? - What else would you have done?
     12. pron. (slightly formal, nominative) (The inanimate subject or predicative interrogative pronoun.)
           Qu'est-il arrivé ? - What happened?
           Que me vaut cette visite ? - To what do I owe this visit?
           Que sommes-nous ? - What are we?
     13. pron. (accusative, relative) (The direct object relative pronoun.)
           C'est un homme que je connais très bien. - He's a man whom I know very well.
           Je viens de lire la lettre que vous m'avez envoyée. - I've just read the letter that you sent me.
     1. prep. after, later than in time.
           On mange après avoir bu. - We eat after we drink.
           après la fête - after the party
     2. prep. after, coming for, trying to get (someone).
     3. adv. afterwards
           On va au cinéma après. - We'll go to the cinema afterwards.
     4. adv. (Louisiana French) (Indicates the continuous aspect)
     1. art. the (definite article)
     2. pron. her, it (direct object)
           Où est Judith ? Je ne la vois pas. - Where is Judith? I don't see her.
           Prends cette boîte et mets-la dans le coin. - Take that box and put it in the corner.
     3. n-m. (music) la, the note 'A'
     1. Participle. past participle of mourir
     2. adj. dead
           Le roi est mort. - The king is dead.
     3. n-m. dead person
     4. n-f. death
          1. v. to die; to be dying
          2. v. (figuratively, with "de") to be dying (of)
                Je meurs de faim - I'm dying of hunger
          3. v. to be dying
     1. prep. of (expresses belonging)
           Paris est la capitale de la France. - Paris is the capital of France.
     2. prep. of (used to express property or association)
           Œuvres de Fermat - Fermat’s Works
           Elle est la femme de mon ami. - She is my friend’s wife.
           le voisin de Gabriel - Gabriel's neighbor
     3. prep. from (used to indicate origin)
           Elle vient de France. - She comes from France.
           Êtes-vous de Suisse ? - Are you from Switzerland?
           Ce fromage vient d’Espagne. - This cheese is from Spain.
           C’est de l’ouest de la France. - It’s from the west of France.
           Le train va de Paris à Bordeaux. - The train goes from Paris to Bordeaux.
     4. prep. of (indicates an amount)
           5 kilos de pommes. - 5 kilograms of apples.
           Un verre de vin - A glass of wine
           Une portion de frites - A portion of fries
     5. prep. used attributively, often translated into English as a compound word
           Un jus de pomme - Apple juice
           Un verre de vin - A glass of wine
           Une boîte de nuit - A nightclub
           Un chien de garde - A guarddog
           Une voiture de sport - A sportscar
           Un stade de football - A football stadium
     6. prep. from (used to indicate the start of a time or range)
           De 9:00 à 11:00 je ne serai pas libre. - From 9 to 11 I won’t be free.
           Je travaille de huit heures à midi. - I work from 8 o'clock to noon.
           un groupe de cinq à huit personnes - a group of from five to eight people
     7. prep. used after certain verbs before an infinitive, often translated into English as a gerund or an infinitive
           J’ai arrêté de fumer. - I stopped smoking.
           Il continue de m’embêter. - He keeps annoying me.
           Elle m’a dit de venir. - She told me to come.
           Nous vous exhortons de venir. - We urge you to come.
     8. prep. by (indicates the amount of change)
           Boire trois tasses par jour réduirait de 20 % les risques de contracter une maladie. - Drinking three cups a day would reduce the risks of catching an illness by 20%.
     9. art. Used in the plural with prepositioned adjectives.
           Ce sont de bons enfants. - They are good children.
           Il y a d’autres exemples. - There are other examples.
     10. art. Used in negated sentences with the grammatical object.
           Elle n’a pas de mère. - She doesn’t have a mother.
           Il ne mange pas de viande. - He doesn’t eat meat.
           Il n’y a pas de problèmes. - There are no problems.
     11. n-f. abbreviation of dame
     1. n-m. sound
           Le son de ce piano est agréable. (The sound of this piano is nice.)
     2. det. (possessive) his, her, their, its (used to qualify masculine nouns and before a vowel)
           Elle a perdu son chapeau. - She lost her hat.
           Il a perdu son chapeau. - He lost his hat.
           J'aime son amie. - I like his/her girlfriend.
           La décision a été prise pendant son absence. - The decision was taken in her/his absence.
     3. n-m. bran
           Ceci est du pain de son. - This bread is done with bran.
     1. n. author
     2. n. composer, artist
     3. n. inventor (of discovery); perpetrator (of crime); leader (of rebellion etc.)
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